
Esperanto has six letters, which don't exist on most keyboards: ĉ, ĝ, ĥ, ĵ, ŝ, kaj ŭ. This website will teach you how to type them on your computer or phone. It also has a "converter", which will convert the x-system to esperanto letters.

Table of Contents

Esperanto Keyboards

This page presents programs and instructions for typing esperanto letters on your computer or phone.

Operating Systems




Most linux distributions already have an esperanto keyboard. You can find it in the settings.

You can also use the Compose key to type Esperanto characters. Wikipedia has more information

Type To Type
Compose+^+c / Compose+^+C ĉ/Ĉ
Compose+^+s / Compose+^+S ŝ/Ŝ
Compose+^+g / Compose+^+G ĝ/Ĝ
Compose+^+j / Compose+^+J ĵ/Ĵ
Compose+^+h / Compose+^+h ĥ/Ĥ
Compose+u+u / Compose+u+U ŭ/Ŭ


You will need to download a third-party keyboard that supports Esperanto. On Android you have two options:

iOS / iPad OS

You will need to download a third-party keyboard that supports Esperanto. ON iOS iOS, SwiftKey is the best option.

Chrome OS

There isn't a great option for Chrome OS, but typing Esperanto characters is possible.


to type esperanto characters in HTML, you must use HTML entities. Here is a table which shows esperanto letters and their corresponding HTML entity.

Esperanto Letter HTML-Supported Character
Ĉ Ĉ, Ĉ, Ĉ
ĉ ĉ, ĉ, ĉ
Ĝ Ĝ, Ĝ, Ĝ
ĝ ĝ, ĝ, ĝ
Ĥ Ĥ, Ĥ, Ĥ
ĥ ĥ, ĥ, ĥ
Ĵ Ĵ, Ĵ, Ĵ
ĵ ĵ, ĵ, ĵ
Ŝ Ŝ, Ŝ, Ŝ
ŝ ŝ, ŝ, ŝ
Ŭ Ŭ, Ŭ, Ŭ
ŭ ŭ, ŭ, ŭ

Other Systems for Writing

When you are unable to type esperanto letters, there are two other systems for representing them: The h-system and the x-system.


The Akademio recommends, that for things intended to be read, the h-system should be used.

Esperanto Letter H-System
ĉ ch
ĝ gh
ĥ hh
ĵ jh
ŝ sh
ŭ u


Although the x-system is now very popular everywhere, the Akademio recommends that it is only used when you can't use the h-system (e.g. in an ASCII database).

Esperanto Letter X-System
ĉ cx
ĝ gx
ĥ hx
ĵ jx
ŝ sx
ŭ ux


While it is contrary to the fundamento, you can write esperanto with the cyrillic script.

Cyrillic Letter Esperanto Letter
А а A a
Б б B b
Ц ц C c
Ч ч Ĉ ĉ
Д д D d
Е е E e
Ф ф F f
Г г G g
Џ џ Ĝ ĝ
Һ һ H h
Х х Ĥ ĥ
И и I i
Ј ј J j
Ж ж Ĵ ĵ
К к K k
Л л L l
М м M m
Н н N n
О о O o
П п P p
Р р R r
С с S s
Ш ш Ŝ ŝ
Т т T t
У у U u
Ў ў Ŭ ŭ
В в V v
З з Z z

There are also other versions of the cirilic alphabet for Esperanto. You can view them on this website.


If there isn't an option for your device, you can use this text box to convert to esperanto characters (Use the x-system):

Contact Information

If you find errors or other problems, email me at retestro@sgertu.com
